VIETNAM VETERANS in need of help Contact VA's Gulf War/Agent Orange Helpline, a toll-free number and/or see the web page for more information. |
# 1-800-749-8387 |
VIETNAM VETERANS (& KOREA VETERANS who served in 1968-1969), and other veterans who may have been exposed to AGENT ORANGE or other herbicides elsewhere during testing, transporting or spraying of herbicides for military purposes and who are concerned about possible long-term health effects of AO exposure?contact the nearest VA medical center and request an AGENT ORANGE REGISTRY HEALTH EXAMINATION. | There are more than 300,000 Vietnam Veterans that have already participated in this program. |
VIETNAM VETERANS with illnesses that they believe were incurred or aggravated by exposure to AO or other aspects of military service should contact a VA veterans service representative at the nearest VA regional office or health care facility and apply for disability compensation | The counselors have information about the wide range of benefit programs administered by the VA *(NOTE) The national toll-free number is 1-800-827-1000 |
* NOTE: It is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED that you get a service representative before filing any disability claim with the VA to insure/achieve proper filing and highest level disability claim DUE each veteran. | The American Legion: 1-800-433-3318 Disabled American Veterans: 1-877-426-2838 Paralyzed Veterans of America: 1-800-424-8200 Veterans of Foreign Wars: 1-800-VFW-1899 See your local phone book for more listings. |
Prostate Cancer Awareness | |
VIETNAM VETERANS with Children who have SPINA BIFIDA?contact the VA national toll- free hotline at 1-888-820-1756, or the nearest VA regional office by calling toll-free: 1-800-827-1000. Additional information on Spina Bifida is available from the Spina Bifida Association of America. | Spina Bifida Association of America at 2590 MacArthur Blvd., Suite 250, Washington, DC 20007-4226 toll-free # 1-800-621-3141 e-mail address: and the web site at: |
Gulf War Veterans Health Problems. | |
General information regarding the health consequences of exposure to enviromental agents (AFGHANISTAN VETERANS, GULF WAR, AGENT ORANGE, IONIZING RADIATION, SHAD and more...) | |
Issues that relate to veterans exposed to ionizing radiation during military service in the occupation of Japan at the conclusion of WWII or during the nuclear weapons tests program. | |
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