

Emily Kane N.D.

Hypertension is defined as a repeated blood pressure (BP) reading of greater than 150/90 mm Hg (mercury). There are two types of hypertension: primary (aka essential or idiopathic, which means no particular cause can be identified) and secondary, which means due to some definable cause such as kidney failure or atherosclerosis.

About 89% of cases are considered to be primary hypertension, and while no specific cause can be singled out as the culprit, many factors are implicated in the development of primary, or essential hypertension. Some of the recognized risk factors include family history, environment (family size, crowding, eating patterns, occupation, obesity), salt ingestion and sensitivity (there is controversy over whether the sodium or chloride part of the salt molecule is the principal factor), race (blacks have more primary hypertension and more morbidity and mortality than whites), hyperlipidemia, smoking, and diet.

Secondary hypertension accounts for only a small minority of patients with hypertension, but must be ruled out in all cases, as discovery and treatment of the cause will cure the hypertension. Causes of secondary hypertension include:


Signs and symptoms of hypertension are as follows:
In primary hypertension patients are often asymptomatic until late in the disease, and frequently hypertension is discovered during routine physical examination.

In secondary hypertension the same symptoms as primary hypertension are seen, plus symptoms or history related to whatever is the inciting cause. In addition:

To treat hypertension from a physical medicine standpoint, the first order of business is to assess cardiovascular fitness with a submaximal stress test. This is something typically done in a hospital or sports medicine setting, by a qualified exercise physiologist. Your aerobic condition is calculated, compared to normal for your age and other factors, and then an aerobic exercise program tailored to your needs can be designed. Typically heart patients need to work out in the range of around 40% of their maximum target heart rate, sometimes for only 10 minutes a day at first. Don't overdue. Consistency, and slowly building up as your condition improves is the key. Severe hypertension patients may be advised to do NO aerobic exercise at first. Isometrics are strongly contraindicated because they can unduly stress the venous system. A system of slow, standing Chinese exercise movements called Qi Gong have helped many people and are widely practiced in China not only as therapy but treatment of many diseases, including cardiovascular problems.

Physical medicine therapies using water may also provide great benefit. Some of these include:

Stress is an important complicating factor in hypertension, so you may benefit from stress reduction techniques. One of the oldest and best beloved stress management technique is treating yourself periodically, as your budget allows, to a gentle, full body massage.

The importance of nutrition and diet cannot be overemphasized in disease control, and hypertension is no exception. In general, attempt to adhere to the following eating principles:

Foods that can provide specific therapeutic benefit in hypertension include:

Therapeutic foods used in Oriental cultures for hypertension include:

Other specific food-based remedies include:




Supplements that may be additionally helpful, because it is sometimes impossible to get therapeutic levels of certain nutrients through diet alone. Please contact a qualified health care provider for specific dosages.


The world of plant medicine has much to offer for controlling or even reducing chronic high blood pressure. Please consult with a qualified herbalist or naturopathic doctor to find out about specific dosages, or the form in which to take the herbs. The following list will provide a guideline.


Chinese herbs:


Acupuncture point combinations:
After assessing the person and palpating, consider these patterns:


Homeopathy is another form of "energy" medicine, which like Traditional Chinese Medicine uses substances to stimulate your own innate power to heal. Homeopathic medicine is often touted as the "medicine of the 20th century" by its proponents because it uses minute doses of plants, minerals or animal parts to produce "remedies" with very little resultant environmental damage. The remedies to consider in hypertension are:


Another popular, new to the West, type of plant medicine makes use of specially prepared flower "juices" whose essences are extracted in alcohol, usually. The flower essences to consider in hypertension are:


Yet another form of "vibrational" medicine consists of the use of various colors for the specific therapeutic properties these colors emit. There are different ways to apply color therapy, including wearing clothing of a certain color, or assuming a relaxed or meditative state then imagining the color seeping into your body, or using thin colored pieces of plastic ("gels") over a light source in the home or office, such as a lamp. Colors reputed to benefit hypertension are:


Other people like to use "healing rocks," or semi-precious stones to help with physical, emotional or spiritual complaints. Gems that have been reported to be helpful in hypertension are:

As with most diseases, hypertension is likely to have mental and emotional correlates, that may even be part of the causation of the trouble. When exploring who to best treat your hypertension, open you mind to the following concepts. They may help!

Hypertensive patients are like overreactive sounding boards and often display increased anxiety, inappropriate coping behaviors in socially distressing situations or exaggerated dependency needs.

Treatment procedures derived from a cognitive-behavioral base and consisting of training experiences for coping effectively with stress may produce significant decreases in your state of anxiety and your systolic blood pressure. High diastolic blood pressure is more dangerous, and more difficult to treat with psycho spiritual approaches.

The heart represents your center of love and security. Heart problems are thus logically associated with long standing emotional problems such as lack of joy or belief in strain and stress. If you are a person who feels threatened with being harmed by an ever-present danger you will constantly feel the need to be on guard, as though you need to be prepared to meet all conceivable threats. This stance is exhausting, especially to the heart! A suitable psycho spiritual approaching to treating hypertension must be geared towards resolving residual anger, fear or frustration in your life

Consider this quote: "The blood pressure is an expression of a person's general dynamism. It arises out of the mutual effects of the behavior of the liquid blood on the one hand and the behavior of the limiting walls of the blood vessels on the other. When considering the blood pressure we always need to bear in mind these two mutually contradictory components: the fluid and the flowing on the one hand, and the limitation and the resistance on the other. To the extent that the blood corresponds to our own inner being, the walls of the vessels correspond to the limits that the unfolding personality sets upon itself and the resistances that stand in the way of our development.

In the case of hypertension, the circulatory system maintains a long term excitation in the expectation that it will eventually be translated into action. If the action fails to materialize, the patient stays 'under pressure'. Of even greater importance is that the same relationship applies where conflict is concerned. These patients take refuge in superficial 'busy-ness', attempting through great external activity to divert both themselves and others from the challenge to come to grips with their conflict." People with hypertension have a good deal of aggression which they repress by exercising self-restraint. (Dethlefsen, p. 195-197, 201)

Here are some specific therapeutic ideas towards using the power of your loving mind to heal hypertension:

Creative visualization is a type of meditation technique where you find a quiet, comfortable place and gently focus you mind on an image you want to hold there for a time. Don't be discouraged if other thoughts keep popping up. This is natural. The quieting of the mind takes practice, practice, practice. Try these specific visualizations:

Prayer, in whatever form seems genuine to you, is also helpful, for similar reasons outlined above. One form of praying is to consciously recognize the God-self that you are by reciting affirmations, either out loud, looking at yourself in the mirror, or quietly before sleep. Here are several suggested by Louise Hay:


With heart disturbances and heart conditions, the following questions are possibly worth exploring:


NOTE: Advice and info on this page is for Information only. It is not considered to be a cure or miracle recovery from this deisese.
It has been collected from info on the Internet and is for information purposes only.Please consult your doctor to start any medical program.

Veterans Health Administration Hypertension Program

VHA Clinical Guidelines For Management Of Hypertension Year 2000

VHA/DoD Clinical Practice Guidelines for the Diagnosis and Management of Hypertension in the Primary care Setting
This document takes a few minutes to download so be patient.

NIH....High Blood Pressure

Lowering High Blood Pressure