Have you ever
wondered about whatever happened to your fellow servicemen after your
separation from active duty as military personnel?
That one special guy
that really took care of you in some kind of special way?
Would you care to reunite with that
special someone?
I volunteer my services to
any and all Veteran’s
seeking Veteran’s !
My efforts to locate
your friends and fellow service member’s is my small way of saying “Thank You” to each and every man and woman who has so valiantly served to
protect my right to be free… I honestly feel that it is my duty, as an
American Citizen, to assist every Veteran that I possibly can. In any capacity
that I am able!
If you are a Vet seeking a Vet, call me… I will
help you!! Or e-mail me or even snail-mail me if you must !! I will do all that
I can to assist you. I have unlimited access to the Internet and am very well
versed in doing people location services… I am very well known among the Internet Veteran Community and have ample references,
should you require them… My Dad being the best reference ever.
I reunited him -
after 50 years of wondering - with his buddy “Cookie”…
If I can assist you,
please contact me:
Lisa Stein
Houston, Texas 77017
sweetiestein@yahoo.com - E-mail Address